Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Fun packed Sunday

The children forgot me again today.
But they went swimming this morning with Grandad.
Evryone had a great time except Dervish who moaned most of teh time and was a real mummy's boy. He won't let Grandad take him at all, at the pool.

Then he got upset cos he wanted to go for a shower with his mummy, not with his Grandad. Mummy coudl hear his squeals from through in the ladies changing rooms. She was just about to shout to Grandad to just send him through to her, when he stopped.

Turned out that Grandad had smacked his bottom.
Dervish does not like that, but sometime it just has to happen cos Dervish is beyond reason.
Grandad said the moment he did smack him, Dervish said, 'I stop my noise now.' So it seemed to do the trick.

Still, he was happy when mummy and Darling were finally ready.
Then they all went to feed the ducks.
Grandad remembered to bring bread.
Don't they make a pretty picture?
Mummy said to Grandad that the boats are free when you have a highlife card.
Grandad needed no more encouragement than that ;o)

The children got on Life jackets to keep them safe and clambered straight in.
Mummy worried a little bit cos she couldn't keep a hold of Dervish, but he sat ever so well.
Same way he does in the car, really.
They went really close to the island and could nearly touch the ducks who were sleeping in the tall grass.
Do you think Darling is having a good time?
I think Dervish had a good time too.
To get back to the car, they had to go past the swingpark, Darling ran on ahead and this is where mummy found her.
So they just had to have a wee play.
Dervish turn.
Zip Slide next.
Dervish turn again.
After that they went to Grannys house and she made Pancakes for lunch!!

Then Granny said that she really wanted to go to John O'Groats to see the painted hotel.
So they drove to mummys house and transfered some seats and all went there.

It looks really crazy!
Mummy took pictures from all sides.

Then they sat on the wee hill and had some cake. Darling said it was her favourite.
Pink cakes!
Mummy said that they looked really really horrid, but that they tased remarkably nice.

The children looked down the rabbit holes to see if they could see any rabbits, but they didn't see any.

They did look funny, all upside down trying to see in them though, teehee
Then they had a play on the wee play park that was there. Dervish liked the slide the best!
After that it was time to go home. The children were very tired after such a busy day. But they did have a Really Really good day!

The County Show

Today we went to the County Show.
Granny and Grandad came to get us and everyone had to drive through to Wick. They forgot to take me though so I just get to see the pictures today.
Here they are getting organised to walk to the show.
It was a really long walk.
On the way Dervish saw some sheep in pens.
Look Ginger, There are Ginger sheep!!
Grandad took the children to get sweeties whilst Mummy and Granny went to see some of the competition stuff.
Mummy though that I would like this one. It was called Mikey the Monkey and it was made out of fruit!!
Whilst Mummy and Granny were looking in the tent, the children went for a wander with Grandad, but it took mummy nearly an hour to find them!
She was a little sad cos she felt that maybe, by the time she found the children, they would be tired and ready to go home.
Luckily the children were not tired at all! And mummy got lovely cuddle from Dervish!
Then everyone had a wee sit down cos it was a really hot day. Which was surprising cos it had been really really rainy last night.
After their wee sit down, everyone thought that they would have another wander. Mummy was looking for the face painting. She even asked another mummy where it was. Turned out she was very close!
Dervish first!
Granny said they should make him into a monster but mummy had already said a Lion would be good, cos of all his hair.
Dervish sat really well for the lady.
Poor mummy can never get a picture of Dervish looking into the camera, he is always looking away just as the camera takes the pic, but here is Dervish the Lion!
Then it was Darlings turn.
Dervish had a wee peek to see what was happening to his sister.
Then he stood and watched. He looks very serious, don't you think?
Mummy was very proud of her children cos they sat so well for the lady to paint their faces.
Here she is. Darling was a cat! With beautiful pink and purple swirls and a glittery nose!
Mummy wanted a picture of her two Darlings.
Darling was so good to bend down to her brothers height for the picture!
Dervish still wasn't looking at the camera! haha
Then they caught up with Granny and Grandad, they were talking to a man about solar panels.
Grandad found out that someone had brough their fiddle and they invited him to come and have a wee play.
Well, Grandad just could not resist!
But look who we found!
I think she liked Grandads music.
Darling looked so beautiful sitting on the grass. Mummy just had to take her picture.
The people who had the fiddles gave the children Giant balloons! They had a great time throwing them in in the air, trying to catch them as they fell.
OOps, missed!
Then it was time to start heading for home.
Look at the size of those massive balloons!
Granny always tries to get out of the pictures, but mummy caught her here.
As Mummy and Darling passed the sheep, they were bleating cos they didn't want to be cooped up anymore.
Mummy noticed that when sheep bleat, they stick their tongues out.
So this is Darling Bleating like a sheep!
hehe, she looks funny!
Mummy and Darling got to Grandads car first but here comes Dervish, with Granny and Grandad.

That looked like a great, busy day!

Bedtime now though and Darling was sad cos she had to have her face cleaned. But Daddy has the cleanser, so mummy had to plaster on cream and use the cotton wool to take the cream back off, taking the makeup with it.
Darling did look funny when mummy first put the cream on. She did giggle a lot!
Haha, doesn't darling look funny with it all squidged over her face!
Time to go to sleep now, but I think the children had a really really nice day.

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Friday afternoon at Granny and Grandads

Today we went to Granny and Grandads.
We helped Grandad to pick strawberries.
There were lots to pick
Still more to pick
We had lunch outside and Aunty Nonka was there too. We had wee pizzas and sausage rolls. Mummy said it was like party food!!
Darling liked the wee pizzas best, Dervish liked the sausage rolls.
After that the children played in the Garden.
Dervish came to take Grandads hand to take him to the 'swingpark'.
Just before we went home, Darling had a practice on her fiddle. She really is getting better you know.
Then it was Dervish turn. This was his very first time using the fiddle with Grandad. He did a very good first job but he found it a little hard to hold the bow properly. He will just have to try again and again and again.
He was in a squibbly position though. Look he is all bendy!
It was time to go home after that. But first everyone always needs a
Kiss and
